
Data from PECARN studies constitute an important scientific resource

To enhance the public health benefit of these studies, public use data sets will be made available to qualified researchers.

PECARN public use data sets are generally made available after study completion in accordance with PECARN policy. PECARN data sets will be provided only to investigators who agree to adhere to the signed research data use agreement.

Execution of a research data use agreement will require approval by investigators’ relevant Institutional Review Boards (IRB) or demonstration of exemption from the need for IRB approval by institutional policy. Data set creation and distribution will be performed by the data coordinating center.


Public Use Data Set:

De-identified data set derived from completed PECARN research protocols.

Research Data Use Agreement:

Agreement between the recipient institution, investigator and the data coordinating center, governing the use of the specific data set.


The data coordinating center will provide the data set, electronic copies of the data worksheets, the final study protocol and a data dictionary. No further support will be provided by the data coordinating center, network investigators, or HRSA, to the recipient investigator.

Investigators will request the use of a specific dataset by choosing the link below, reading and agreeing to the Research Data Use Agreement and providing contact information.

The dataset will be available for download after completion of the aforementioned items.

For further information contact Melissa Laws, BSN, CCRC EMSC Data Center Director at

Click on a study below for more information, or to request the dataset.

  • Application of Transcriptional Signatures for Diagnosis of Febrile Infants Within the PECARN Network (TIG)

  • Application of Transcriptional Signatures for Diagnosis of Febrile Infants Within the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN)

  • CT Scan With IV Contrast Alone (CT IV): The Role of Intra-abdominal Fat (IAF) on the Sensitivity of CT IV to Visualize the Normal Appendix (IAF Appendix)

  • Emergency Department Screen for Teens at Risk for Suicide (ED-STARS)

  • Fluid Therapy and Cerebral Injury in Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis (Fluid Therapy in DKA)

  • Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest – Out of Hospital Trial

  • Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (Planning Grant)

  • Identification of children at very low risk of clinically-important brain injuries after head trauma: a prospective cohort study.

  • Identifying Children at Very Low Risk of Clinically Important Blunt Abdominal Injuries

  • Impact of Emergency Department Probiotic Treatment of Pediatric Gastroenteritis (Probiotics)

  • Intravenous Magnesium for Sickle Cell Vasoocclusive Crisis (Magnesium in Crisis [MAGIC])

  • Multi-Center Validation of an Implicit Review Instrument to Measure Quality of Care Provided to Children in the Emergency Department

  • PECARN Core Data Project (PCDP) 2002-2014

  • PECARN Core Data Project Ten-Day (2003)

  • PECARN Research Network Registry Project (Registry) 2012-2021 Public Use Dataset (PUD)

  • Predicting Cervical Spine Injury (CSI) in Children: A Multi-Centered Case-Control Analysis

  • RNA Biosignatures: A Paradigm Change for the Management of Young Febrile Infants

  • Teen Alcohol Screening in the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (ASSESS) 

  • The Effectiveness of Oral Dexamethasone for Acute Bronchiolitis: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial